Weights and Measures – the Government response

In a previous article I wrote about the sorry state of affairs of weights and measures enforcement in the UK. http://tradingstandardsblog.co.uk/the-state-of-weights-and-measures-in-the-uk-in-2023 Here are some responses from the Government. Firstly Jonathan Reynolds (Labour MP) asked this question To ask the Secretary Continue reading Weights and Measures – the Government response

Cutbacks at Hampshire County Council Trading Standards

I’ve been contacted by an ex-employee of Hampshire County Council Trading Standards. They have provided me some communication they had with their councillor, which makes for interesting, if not alarming reading. This just sums up for me the problem of Continue reading Cutbacks at Hampshire County Council Trading Standards

Employing ex Police officers in a Trading Standards or regulatory service

In my work I regularly work with the Police – we pass each other information and we regularly do joint working. I’ve met hundreds of Police officers from multiple forces over the years. This post isn’t about bashing Police officers. Continue reading Employing ex Police officers in a Trading Standards or regulatory service