Coronavirus – price increases / rip off

Retailers are increasing their prices during the corona virus outbreak – what can Trading Standards do? There is no law that says retailers cannot increase prices as and when they want. We live in a supposedly capitalist free market economy Continue reading Coronavirus – price increases / rip off

Do we need a national Trading Standards department?

In England, Scotland and Wales, Trading Standards departments are delivered via local councils. I believe there are around 200 trading standards departments. In Northern Ireland the Trading Standards department is provided by one department. Do we need a national UK Continue reading Do we need a national Trading Standards department?

Trading Standards inspections – giving two days notice

This post was originally posted in August 2013. The requirement to give two days notice is now in force. As I expected it means a lot of extra paperwork and a reduction in inspections. ———– Some coverage in the media Continue reading Trading Standards inspections – giving two days notice